Bethesda’s Top Residential Architects & Builders

Dream. Design. Build. Live Better in Bethesda

Bethesda has changed dramatically in the past 20 years, especially the downtown area. This coveted neighborhood in Maryland has seen many older homes torn down to build new multi-story houses to fit the needs of today’s families. While that sometimes makes sense, a new house brings additional costs for permitting, construction requirements (sprinklers, water drainage retention) and demolition of the existing house. There is a current County proposal to assess new school impact fees for tear downs (hearing scheduled for Dec 3).

Our team is skilled at working with an existing home to reconfigure and maximize space – even with small additions or bump-outs. With over 29 years of experience in Montgomery County and working within the permitting and zoning requirements, Landis delivers the experience needed for a seamless renovation.

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Kitchen Addition.

Project Spotlight: A 200 sq.ft. addition on this 1959 home allowed for a new kitchen. We also converted the screened porch into a four season room.                          Learn More

Outdoor Living.

Project Spotlight: The owners of a house in Bethesda wanted a swimming pool and outdoor living area, two-car garage, family room, kitchenette and guest suite. Learn More


Matt Dirksen, AIA, Senior Project Architect and Team Leader

MattDirksen_Sales_tbI spent most of the 70s and 80s in Bethesda. I loved how centrally located I was to everything. Although we were within earshot of the Beltway, life was pretty quiet back in those days, even before the sound barriers were built. I especially loved having the ability to bike to a destination in every direction. My favorite places were the WMAL field, Rock Creek near Cedar Lane, the Bethesda Community Store, Montgomery Doughnuts at Wildwood Shopping Center, and Davis library. I’ll never forget biking all the way up to Toys R Us up on the Pike just to buy an Atari game cartridge with my newspaper money.

Every season brought something special:

  • Spring: MSI soccer at “NB”
  • Summer: Swimming at The Y
  • Fall: The Wyngate Halloween parade with trick-or-treating for miles
  • Winter: Sledding on the hills of NB and the back side of Ayrlawn Park